Kristīne Krauze-Slucka explores the materiality of industrially produced objects as a foundation for pseudo-social anthropological inquiries. Her creative approach mirrors that of a hunter-gatherer, navigating the world through observation, chance, and intuitive associations. She creates objects, installations, and works with photography not merely as a visual medium but as a tactile, sensory experience, emphasizing the material and physical processes involved in image-making.
Krauze-Slucka holds a Master’s degree in Fine Arts from the Visual Communication Department of the Latvian Academy of Arts. She was awarded the Grand Prix of the Nordic and Baltic Young Artist Award in 2020 and has been twice nominated for the prestigious Purvītis Prize.
In 2022, she was selected as a FUTURES artist, an honor awarded by the Europe-based photography platform. She also serves as a lecturer at the International Summer School of Photography (ISSP).
Kristīne Krauze Slucka pievēršas industriāli ražotas materialitātes studijām kā pseido-antropoloģisku meklējumu sākumpunktam. Savā attieksmē viņa līdzinās medītājai-vācējai, kas pasaules kārtību mācās caur vērojumu, nejaušību un kopsakarībām. Strādā ar fotogrāfiski nosacītiem risinājumiem, akcentējot attēlu veidošanā iesaistītos materiālus un fiziskos procesus.
Ieguvusi maģistra grādu Latvijas Mākslas akadēmijas Vizuālās komunikācijas nodaļā un saņēmusi  Ziemeļvalstu un Baltijas jauno mākslinieku Grand Prix balvu (2020).
Divas reizes izvirzīta Purvīša balvas nominācijai.
2022. gadā izvēlēta par FUTURES (Eiropas fotogrāfijas platformas) mākslinieci.
Vada lekcijas un darbnīcas ISSP skolā.

2022                 ECHO, outdoor project displayed at Riga public transport stops, Riga Photography Biennial
2022                 Forced movements of the past, large scale installation, Tu Jau Zini Kur space, Riga, LV
2022                 Resolution strike, mixed media installation, ISSP Gallery, Riga, LV
2022                 Vibrations of the material universe. Thirst for gold, photographic works,  Prospekto gallery, Vilnius, LT
2021                 Obedient Touch, installation, large format unique photographic works, Latvian Museum of Photography
2021                 -ING, cameraless photographic works, exhibition space “Jūras vārti”, Ventspils, LV
2020                 Orgatopia, interactive installation, RIXC gallery, Riga, LV

2024              ON GATHERING, MMCA Residency Changdong, Seoul, South Korea
2023               FUTURE RETROSPECTIVES, Tur telpa, Riga
2023               Art Gallery Ars28, Zurich, Switzerland
2022               FOTOFEST 2022, Parnu Town Hall, Estonia
2021                POSTSENSORIUM,  RixC Art Science festival exhibition 2021, National Library of Latvia, Riga, LV.
2019                CENTENARY EXHIBITION OF THE ART ACADEMY OF LATVIA, exhibition hall ARSENĀLS of the Latvian National Museum of Art, Riga, LV.
2019                SENSE OF CHANGE, Kuldiga Art House, LV.
2018                Experimental film festival PROCESS, "Mycelium" gallery, Riga, LV.
2017                Festival SOUNDS OF THE LAKE. Outdoor installation, Vestiena, LV.
2017                THE FLOW, ISSP group show, Riga, LV.

2021                 Nordic & Baltic Young Artist Award 2020, Grand Prix for mixed media installation Orgatopia.
2021                 Riga Photography biennial – NEXT and ISSP Gallery Award 2021 “Seeking the Latest in Photography!”.
                          The special Prize – opportunity to publish a photography book with NoRoutine Books (LT).
2020                 Scholarship from the Foundation of the painter Valdemars Tone.
2024                MMCA Residency Changdong, South Korea
2022                PaiR Artist in residency, Latvia
                  ZUZĀNS collection (LV)
                    SEB GLOBAL services
                    Private collectors 
2018 - 2020     MA in Fine Arts, Audio Visual Media Art, Visual Communication Department of the Art Academy of Latvia
2015 - 2017      International Summer School of Photography. Language of photography.
2010 - 2012      Professional photo school.