ORGATOPIA (mixed media installation) explores the manipulation of plant physiology through various mechanical interventions applied over several months. This process examines the limits of plant resilience and adaptability, challenging their natural growth patterns.
By integrating these altered plants with inorganic materials and electronic components, the installation gives rise to biomorphic, interactive hyperobjects—blurring the boundary between organic life and synthetic constructs. The result is a dynamic ecosystem where nature and technology converge, prompting reflection on the complex interdependencies between the living and the artificial.
Solo show at RixC Gallery, Riga, 3-26 Sept. 2020
ORGATOPIJA (jauktu mediju instalācija) ir manipulatīvs augu izturības pētījums, vairāku mēnešu garumā ietekmējot to fizioloģiju ar dažādiem mehāniskiem paņēmieniem. Apvienojot šos manipulētos augus ar citiem neorganiskiem materiāliem un elektroniskiem risinājumiem, tiek veidoti biomorfiski, interaktīvi hiperobjekti.
Personālizstāde RixC Galerija, Rīga, 3-26 Sept., 2020